Nuts magic cure for weight loss

Nuts magic cure for weight loss

Most people avoid eating nuts because of the erroneous belief that it raises the percentage of cholesterol in blood, and thus may adversely affect the health of the heart, but modern science has proved that the nuts are useful in the treatment of many serious diseases.

The recent medical study found that a diet rich in nuts especially hazelnuts helps to lower high cholesterol levels in the body at a rate 0.3 points, according to three dozen recent medical study conducted on more than 365 people.

The researchers added that the human need 30 grams of nuts a day to take advantage of the properties of nature to lower cholesterol in the blood.

The research indicates that the cashews contain huge amounts of iron up to twice the concentration present in red meat, of which the iron of paramount importance in carrying oxygen to various parts of the body to cause a shortage in the fatigue and fatigue continued and the decline in the concentration of rights, as provided for under agency " news of the Middle East. "

It contains six fresh from Allbeckan twice the concentration of zinc present in a number of other foods rich in it, which helps in the efficiency of zinc white cells in the body that works to combat bacterial and viral infections and colds.

This comes at a time closed peanuts rich in fat and protein and fiber-old charged in turn increase the weight, as recent research suggests that Aharalansan fullness for long periods, which contributes directly to reducing the weight to the decline in rates of consumption of food after eating.

On the other hand, a handful of pistachio nuts contain high amounts of potassium than bananas found in the fruit of a Almassadralrisah and rich in potassium is important to control and regulate the level of salt in the body.

As Dr. Ashraf Abdel-Aziz Professor of Nutrition, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, the nuts contain high energy needs of the individual and, in general, eating pistachios, pulp, peanuts, almonds and other game works to reduce cholesterol, improve blood sugar levels, improve kidney function and the liver and reduce the incidence of heart disease.

He oversaw that eating nuts, and game is usually while watching television, which may result in eating more of these foods, and then acquire the high amounts of energy stored the body in the form of fat, without the disposition, so try eating small amounts and get benefit, which contain important elements of health.

Integrated prescription

And about the benefits of nuts in the treatment of diseases, research has proven that trans fats are frequently found in nuts and olive protects the heart from disease, as she turns into a liquid due to the temperature of the body, and make the membrane liver more flexible, allowing cholesterol to move easily to the liver and out of the body , unlike the saturated fats such as those found in beef and butter that cause obesity.

The study indicated that eating almonds, pistachios and hazelnuts in small amounts on a regular basis protects against heart disease and ward off Parkinson's disease, and reduce the nuts of the risk of injury to women with diabetes and reduce cholesterol in the blood, and protects against colon cancer.

It is proven that eating nuts regularly reduces the risk of sudden death resulting from the crisis and heart disease, because they contain a high concentration of acid "alpha linoleic," which helps to regulate heartbeat.

In the same regard, the Dr. Amira Fouad Abdel-Hamid, Department of Research at the National Center for the fruit of research, that eating nuts reduces the risk of women with diabetes and reduce cholesterol in the blood, and protects against colon cancer.

The princess that has been proven that eating nuts regularly reduces the risk of sudden death resulting from the crisis and heart disease, because they contain a high concentration of acid, "Alpha linoleic" which helps regulate the heartbeat.
On the other hand, nutrition experts said that the nuts have many benefits it strengthens the sight, and help reduce the appetite, relieve it of any weight.

The experts pointed out that the nuts contain acids "omega 3", and peanuts helps to reduce appetite and keeping fit, and almonds are rich in vitamin "E".

Experts recommend people need to choose species of nuts and salt to take account of public health, stating that the nuts contain many calories, as the ounce contains 180 calories, so should be eaten in moderation.

Benefits of Nuts

Nuts: Rich in vitamins "A", "b", and described the nuts with diabetes, tuberculosis, epilepsy, urinary tract infection.

Almonds: Recommended for pregnant and lactating women, athletes and patients with weak nerves, physical and diabetics, as it is useful to strengthen the brain and spinal cord and nervous system, and to consider and struggling insomnia.

Walnuts (nuts) reduces the risk of heart disease and strengthens the digestive system.
Cashew: eating does not cause obesity and helps to absorb fat.
Peanuts: Reduces the risk of heart disease and protect cells from damage.

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